Practical Nursing

The provincial practical nursing education program is designed to provide learners with the knowledge, skills, judgments and attitudes to perform to the full range of competencies as identified by the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives. The program provides a learning experience that is integrated, professional, collaborative and culturally sensitive with an aim to prepare graduates to care for individuals and families at multiple life stages and in a variety of practice settings. Upon successful completion of the program, learners will possess the competencies to successfully complete the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Exam.

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Applicants are responsible for ensuring all required documents have been submitted to TRU if requested from other post-secondary institutions and/or agencies by the dates specified. Official transcripts must be issued within two years of application and must be received in sealed envelopes from the issuing institution.

Educational requirements

  • Grade 12 (or equivalent), or mature student status
  • English Studies 12 wih a minimum grade of 65% or English First Peoples 12 with a minimum grade of 65% or equivalent
  • Foundations of Mathematics 11 (or equivalent) 60%
  • Anatomy and Physiology 12 with a minimum 60% (or equivalent)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology for Practical Nurses (or equivalent) with a minimum grade of 65%
  • TRU Williams Lake offers PNUR : Human Anatomy and Physiology for Practical Nurses on campus every winter (January – April) semester. Alternatively, TRU Open Learning offers HLTH 1121; however, PNUR 1300 is preferred as it is provincially accepted. Please note: The pre-requisite for Human Anatomy & Physiology is Anatomy and Physiology (Biology) 12 with a minimum 60% (or equivalent)
PNUR 1420
Professional Practice 1 (0,0,25P)

PNUR 1420 Professional Practice 1 (0,0,25P)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This theory course provides an introduction to the profession of practical nursing. Legislation that informs PN practice within British Columbia will be introduced. The history of nursing and specifically, the evolution of Practical Nursing within the Canadian Health Care system will be discussed. The philosophy and foundational concepts of this PN Program curriculum are explored.
Prerequisite:Admission to the Practical Nurse Program Co-Requisites: PNUR 1810, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1520 and PNUR 1600
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1600
Professional Communications 1 (0,0,0,35P)

PNUR 1600 Professional Communications 1 (0,0,0,35P)

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course provides learners with the foundational knowledge for caring and professional communication in nursing. An experiential and self-reflective approach is used to develop self-awareness and interpersonal communication skills in the context of safe, competent and collaborative nursing practice. Topics include communication theory, the nurse-client relationship, therapeutic communication, cross-cultural communication and effective teamwork. Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1420-Professional Practice 1 PNUR 1700-Variations in Health 1 PNUR 1750-Health Promotion 1 PNUR 1800-Pharmacology 1 PNUR 1520-Integrated Practice 1
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1700
Variations in Health 1

PNUR 1700 Variations in Health 1

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This introductory course provides learners with the foundations of disease and illness across the lifespan. Learners will gain an understanding of pathophysiological alterations of body systems. Nursing management of disease and illness across the lifespan with an emphasis on interventions and treatment is also discussed. Cultural diversity in healing practices is explored as well as the incorporation of evidenced-informed practice. Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1800.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1750
Health Promotion 1

PNUR 1750 Health Promotion 1

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course introduces the concepts of health promotion, the determinants of health and health inequities, and develops a beginning knowledge of normal growth and development. Topics include health enhancement, health protection, disease prevention and health restoration (recovery, care and support). Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nurse Program. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1800.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1800
Pharmacology 1

PNUR 1800 Pharmacology 1

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This introductory course examines the principles of pharmacology required to administer medications in a safe and professional manner. Medication administration requires the application of the nursing process for clinical decision making. Various routes of medication administration are introduced, and complementary, Indigenous and alternative remedies, and polypharmacy across the lifespan are also explored. Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program Co-Requisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1750.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1520
Integrated Practice

PNUR 1520 Integrated Practice

Credits: 4 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course emphasizes the art and science of nursing, focusing on the development of basic nursing care and assessment. Learners will apply nursing knowledge through the practice of clinical decision making, nursing assessment and nursing interventions aimed at promoting health, independence and comfort. A variety of approaches (e.g., simulation) are used to assist learners to integrate theory from other Level 1 courses Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nurse Program. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1800
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1570
Consolidated Practice Experience 1

PNUR 1570 Consolidated Practice Experience 1

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This first practice experience provides learners with an opportunity to integrate theory from Level 1 coursework into practice. Learners will gain experience in various settings with a focus on the healthy client. Learning the role of the Practical Nurse, personal care skills, organization of care, focused assessment, beginning medication administration and professional communication are emphasized. Prerequisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1800, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) as outlined in the Practice Education Guidelines (, immunizations as outlined in the Practice Education Guidelines (, criminal record check under the terms of the Criminal Records Review Act and the Ministry of Justice process for educational institutions, negative TB skin test or chest X-ray, original Fit Test certificate.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1430
Professional Practice 2

PNUR 1430 Professional Practice 2

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course examines the legislation influencing Practical Nursing practice with clients experiencing chronic illness and those in residential care settings. Specific professional issues such as responsibility, accountability, ethical practice and leadership relevant to the Practical Nursing role in residential care are explored. Critical thinking and decision making specific to the care of clients with the chronically health challenges and interprofessional practice are also addressed. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1580, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1810.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1610
Professional Communications 2

PNUR 1610 Professional Communications 2

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course provides learners with an opportunity to develop professional communication skills with older adults and clients requiring end-of-life care. Inter-professional communication knowledge and skills are further developed. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1430, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1810.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1710
Variations in Health 2

PNUR 1710 Variations in Health 2

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on pathophysiology as it relates to the aging process and selected chronic illnesses. The main focus is on the care of older adults experiencing a health challenge. Cultural diversity in healing practices are explored as well as evidence-informed research and practice. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1430, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1810.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1760
Health Promotion 2

PNUR 1760 Health Promotion 2

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on health promotion as it relates to the aging process, including exploring health promotion activities aimed at supporting clients to maintain their health. The concepts of health promotion, physical and mental wellness, normal aging changes and continued independence are examined. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1430, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1810.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1810
Pharmacology 2

PNUR 1810 Pharmacology 2

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course builds on Pharmacology I to increase learners' understanding of pharmacotherapeutics prescribed for illnesses that clients experience across the lifespan. Topics include drug classifications and links with common diseases/illnesses based on a body system approach and drug resistance. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I. Co-Requisites: PNUR 1430, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1760.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1530
Integrated Nursing Practice 2 (4,0,10,180P)

PNUR 1530 Integrated Nursing Practice 2 (4,0,10,180P)

Credits: 4 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course builds on the foundation of Level 1 and emphasizes the development of clinical decision making, nursing assessments and interventions to promote the health of older adults. A variety of approaches (e.g., simulation) will help learners to integrate theory from Level 1 and 2 courses to provide safe, competent and ethical nursing care with older adults. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Level 1 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience I Co-Requisites: PNUR 1610, PNUR 1430, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1810 and PNUR 1710
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 1580
Consolidated Practice Experience 2

PNUR 1580 Consolidated Practice Experience 2

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This practice experience provides learners with the opportunity to integrate theory from Level 1 and 2 courses into practice. Learners will practice with aging clients and/or those with chronic illnesses in residential care settings. Medication administration, nursing care, organization, comprehensive health assessment, wound care and introduction to leadership are emphasized. Prerequisites: PNUR 1430, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1810.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2420
Professional Practice 3 (0,0,0,20P)

PNUR 2420 Professional Practice 3 (0,0,0,20P)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course integrates the concepts from previous professional practice courses and introduces learners to practice in the community. The role of the Practical Nurse as leader is emphasized in interactions with clients and their families, and other health care providers. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Level 2 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience II. Co-Requisites: PNUR 2520, PNUR 2700, PNUR 2750 and PNUR 2600.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2600
Professional Communications 3 (2,0,0)

PNUR 2600 Professional Communications 3 (2,0,0)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on specific professional communication skills used with clients and care providers across the lifespan requiring care in the community..
Prerequisite: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1430, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1800, PNUR 1810, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1570 and PNUR 1580 Co-Requisites: PNUR 2520, PNUR 2420, PNUR 2750 and PNUR 2700
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2700
Variations in Health 3 (4,0,0)

PNUR 2700 Variations in Health 3 (4,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on the continuum of care and the development of knowledge related to health challenges managed in the community setting. Pathophysiology and nursing care of clients requiring home health care, rehabilitation, and supportive services in the community are explored.As well,cultural diversity in healing approaches are explored along with the incorporation of evidence informed research and practice.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 2 coursework and Consolidated Practice Experience II Co-Requisites: PNUR 2420, PNUR 2520, PNUR 2600 and PNUR 2750
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2750
Health Promotion 3 (3,0,0)

PNUR 2750 Health Promotion 3 (3,0,0)

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course is focused on health promotion as it relates to the continuum of care across the lifespan. Health promotion in the context of mental illness, physical and developmental disabilities, and maternal/child health is highlighted. Normal growth and development from conception to middle adulthood is addressed.
Prerequisite: PNUR 1580. Co-Requisites: PNUR 2420, PNUR 2600, PNUR 2700 and PNUR 2520
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2520
Integrated Nursing Practice 3

PNUR 2520 Integrated Nursing Practice 3

Credits: 4 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course builds on the theory and practice from Levels 1 and 2. Through a variety of approaches (e.g., simulation), learners will continue to develop knowledge and practice of comprehensive nursing assessment, planning for, and interventions with clients experiencing multiple health challenges in a variety of settings. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 2 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience II. Co-Requisites: PNUR 2420, PNUR 2600, PNUR 2700, PNUR 2750.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2570
Consolidated Practice Experience 3 (0,0,4P)

PNUR 2570 Consolidated Practice Experience 3 (0,0,4P)

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This practice experience will introduce learners to community care settings and an opportunity to apply and adapt knowledge gained in Levels 1, 2 and 3 within a continuum of care for clients across the lifespan. Learners may gain experience through simulation and in a variety of settings with a focus on concepts outlined in Integrated Nursing Practice III.
Prerequisite: PNUR 1610, PNUR 1430, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1760,and PNUR 1530 Co-requites: PNUR 2600, PNUR 2700, PNUR 2420, PNUR 2520 and PNUR 2750
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2430
Professional Practice 4 (0,0,0,20P)

PNUR 2430 Professional Practice 4 (0,0,0,20P)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course prepares learners for the role of the Practical Nurse in caring for clients with acute presentation of illness. Legislation influencing Practical Nursing practice, specific professional practice issues and ethical practice pertinent to Practical Nursing practice in acute care environments are explored. Practice issues that occur across the lifespan are considered. Collaborative practice with other health care team members and, specifically, the working partnership with RNs in the acute care setting are examined. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Level 3 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience III Co-Requisites: PNUR 2530,PNUR 2610, PNUR 2760 and PNUR 2710
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2610
Professional Communications 4 (2,0,0)

PNUR 2610 Professional Communications 4 (2,0,0)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

The focus of this course is the advancement of professional communication within the acute care setting across the lifespan. The practice of collaboration with health care team members and clients will be further developed.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 3 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience III Co-Requisites: PNUR 2530, PNUR 2710, PNUR 2760 and PNUR 2430
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2710
Variations in Health 4 (4,0,0)

PNUR 2710 Variations in Health 4 (4,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on pathophysiology as it relates to acute disease and illness of clients across the lifespan, specifically the care of the client experiencing acute illness including nursing interventions and treatment options. Implications of the acute exacerbation of chronic illness are addressed. Cultural diversity in healing practices will be explored as well as evidence- informed research and practice.
Prerequisite: PNUR 2750 and PNUR 2760 Co-Requisites: PNUR 2430, PNUR 2610 and PNUR 2530
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2760
Health Promotion 4 (2,0,0)

PNUR 2760 Health Promotion 4 (2,0,0)

Credits: 1 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course focuses on health promotion for the client experiencing an acute exacerbation of chronic illness or an acute episode of illness. Relevant health promoting strategies during hospitalization may improve or help maintain their health status after discharge. Learners will focus on preparing clients for discharge, through teaching and learning of health promotion strategies.
Prerequisite: PNUR 2570 Co-Requisites: PNUR 2530, PNUR 2610, PNUR 2710 and PNUR 2430
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2530
Integrated Nursing Practice 4 (4,0,10,180P)

PNUR 2530 Integrated Nursing Practice 4 (4,0,10,180P)

Credits: 6 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course emphasizes the development of nursing skills aimed at promoting health and healing with individuals experiencing acute health challenges across the lifespan. A variety of approaches (e.g., simulation) will help learners build on theory and practice from Levels 1, 2 and 3 to integrate new knowledge and skills relevant to the acute care setting. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 3 courses and Consolidated Practice Experience III. Co-Requisites: PNUR 2430, PNUR 2610, PNUR 2710 and PNUR 2760
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2580
Consolidated Practice Experience 4 (0,0,13P)

PNUR 2580 Consolidated Practice Experience 4 (0,0,13P)

Credits: 4 credits
Delivery: Campus

This practice experience provides learners with the opportunity to integrate theory from all courses into the role of the Practical Nurse in the acute care setting and other practice areas as appropriate.Learners focus on clients with exacerbations of chronic illness and/or acute illness across the lifespan and consolidate knowledge and skills such as post-operative care, surgical wound management , intravenous therapy, focused assessment, and clinical decision-making in acute care settings. Prerequisites: PNUR 2420, PNUR 2600, PNUR 2700, PNUR 2750, PNUR 2520, PNUR 2610 and PNUR 2710 Co-Requisites: PNUR 2530, PNUR 2430 and PNUR 2760
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2560
Transition to Preceptorship

PNUR 2560 Transition to Preceptorship

Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course will prepare the learner for the final practice experience. Simulation experiences and self-directed learning will provide the learner with increased competence and confidence in their final practice experience. Prerequisites: PNUR 1420, PNUR 1430, PNUR 1520, PNUR 1530, PNUR 1570, PNUR 1580, PNUR 1600, PNUR 1610, PNUR 1700, PNUR 1710, PNUR 1750, PNUR 1760, PNUR 1800, PNUR 1810, PNUR 2420, PNUR 2430, PNUR 2520, PNUR 2530, PNUR 2570, PNUR 2580, PNUR 2600, PNUR 2610, PNUR 2700, PNUR 2710, PNUR 2720, PNUR 2750, PNUR 2760.
For more information, search for this course here.

PNUR 2590
Preceptorship (0,0,12P)

PNUR 2590 Preceptorship (0,0,12P)

Credits: 4 credits
Delivery: Campus

This final practice experience provides an opportunity for learners to demonstrate integration and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities within the realities of the workplace and become practice ready. This experience may occur through a variety of practice experience models, including the perceptorship models, under the immediate supervision of a single fully qualified and experienced LPN or RN or RPN and/or within the context of a collaborative learning environment as a participating team member. Prerequisites: Completion of all course work and CPE I, II, III and IV. Transition to Preceptorship.
For more information, search for this course here.

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