TRU Science

Catalogue of Previous MSc Theses

A - F

  • Aboagye (2015) - exogenous fibrolytic enzymes [supervisor Church]
  • Alnahdi (2014) – cave bacteria [supervisor Cheeptham]
  • Andruscon (2021) - bisphenol in drinking water [supervisor Donkor]
  • Ani (2017) - earthquake damage cost analysis [supervisors Gu & Paetkau]
  • Antonelli (2018) - native plant recovery on copper mine tailings [supervisor Fraser]
  • Atkins (2021) - western rattlesnake population in british columbia [supervisor Larsen]
  • Baethke (2015) - mine restoration of a native grassland [supervisor Fraser]
  • Baral (2021) - turbulance in landfill gas flow [supervisor Nec]
  • Baron (2017) - mapping invasive plants using RPAS and remote sensing [supervisor Hill]
  • Barsevskis (2022) - snow characteristics with blade hardness gauge [supervisor Paetkau]
  • Basaraba (2014) – turtle ecology [supervisor Larsen]
  • Bassett (2009) - carabid beetles [supervisor Fraser]
  • Bayliff (2022) - effects of mowing, irrigation, and fertilization [supervisor Fraser]
  • Boham (2023) - counter-intuitive nature of gas flow in anisotropic porous media [supervisor Huttunen-Hennelly]
  • Biddlecomb (2022) - the influence of prolonged sitting [supervisor Rakobowchuk]
  • Blair (2019) - population ecology of the american pika [supervisor Larsen]
  • Boule (2018) - sport hunting, conservaton, and ecosystem sustainabilty [supervisor Mason]
  • Boutaib (2022) - characterization of granular materials using a blade hardness gauge [supervisor Paetkau]
  • Boyda (2021) - RT-qPCR genetic studies of lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe [supervisors Kwiatowska and Urban]
  • Bradley (2020) - reducing the cumulative effects of timber harvest and livestock grazing [supervisors Gardner & Fraser]
  • Chisholm (2023) - showshoe hare habitat use in the sub-boreal forests of north-central British Columbia [supervisors Larsen and Hood]
  • Chowdhury (2018) - human dimension of asian elephant conservation [supervisor Larsen]
  • Clark (2015) - effects of livestock grazing [supervisor Heise]
  • Coelho (2015) - climate change induced declines in ponds [supervisor Gardner]
  • Coghill (2021) - soil legacy effects of spotted knapweed [supervisor Fraser]
  • Cox (2013) – global climate change & ranching [supervisor Fraser]
  • Denesiuk (2018) - grazing management [supervisor Fraser]
  • Doutaz (2019) - columbia river northern pike [supervisor Heise]
  • Drach (2023) - chemical exposure and menstrual regulation [supervisor Huttunen-Hennelly]
  • Dufort-Lefrancois (2015) - exploring capillary electrophoresis methods [supervisor Huttunen-Hennelly]
  • Duncan (2016) - western painted turtles (supervisor Larsen)
  • Dungey (2023) - restoration of semi-arid grasslands using priority effects and soil amendments [supervisor Fraser]
  • Dzumek (2021) - mine reclamation and nitrogen cycling [supervisor Fraser]
  • Ernst (2014) – landscape connectivity [supervisor Klenner]
  • Evans (2017) - mound microsites [supervisor Gardner]
  • Eye (2022) - female western rattlesnakes [supervisor Larsen]
  • Farooq (2015) - analysis of bisphenol a (BPA) in environmental waters [supervisor Donkor]
  • Fischer (2023) - response of soil geochemical properties and microbial communities to long-term storage in mines [supervisor Fraser]
  • Fogarty (2023) factors driving the decline of fishers in central Interior British Columbia [supervisor Larsen]
  • Folkard (2012) – pine silvopastures [supervisor Fraser]
  • Fontaine (2021) - western bat species [supervisors Cheeptham & Lausen]
  • Foster (2019) - effects of the invasive plant spotted knapweed [supervisor Fraser]
  • France (2015) - behaviour of south thompson california bighorn sheep [supervisor Gardner]
  • Freitag (2024) - impacts of climate change and habitat loss of long-billed curlews [supervisor Reudink]

G - L

  • Garner (2012) – spadefoots at northern limit [supervisor Larsen]
  • Gervan (2023) - arthropod recovery in post-mine reclaimed sites [supervisor Fraser]
  • Gilbert (2012) – salinity and disturbance on grass [supervisor Fraser]
  • Gillich (2023) - snow dynamics and soil moisture in commercially thinned lodgepole pine silvopastures [supervisor Fraser]
  • Gordon (2022) - testing cattle grazing management as a restoration tool [supervisor Fraser]
  • Gunawardana (2018) - factors affecting movements of terristrial isopods [supervisor Larsen]
  • Hales (2011) – small mammals and grasslands [supervisor Larsen]
  • Hamilton (2018) - intertidal invertebrate species [supervisor Gosselin]
  • Hazel (2018) - music festivals in british columbia [supervisor Mason]
  • Hansen (2011) – restoring abalone [supervisor Gosselin]
  • Harvey (2015) - summer habitat use by western rattlesnakes [supervisor Larsen]
  • Hodder (2016) - habitat selection and occupancy patterns of american mink [supervisor Larsen]
  • House (2021) - arctic grayling spawning behaviour [supervisor Heise]
  • Howarth (2023) - western rattlesnake migration and habitat [supervisor Larsen]
  • Huebel (2012) – heli-skiing and mountain caribou [supervisor Dickinson]
  • Iwabuchi (2019) - implications for intertidal invertebrate population [supervisor Gosselin]
  • Jeff-Zanni (2018) - environmental and economic growth trends [supervisor Tsigaris]
  • Jenewein (2013) – mortality of marine invertebrates [supervisor Gosselin]
  • Johnston (2018) - struggle for increased representation in jasper national park [supervisor Mason]
  • Joly (2024) - influence of neighbours on reproductive success of mountain bluebirds and tree swallows [supervisor Reudink]
  • King (2019) - outdoor pet cats in an urban environment [supervisor Tsigaris]
  • Klafki (2014) – road ecology of badgers [supervisor Larsen]
  • Kuang (2015) - effects of spotted knapweed [supervisor Fraser]
  • Lishman (2015)  - rainfall redistribution [supervisor Carlyle-Moses]
  • Lomas (2013) – effects of disturbance on rattlesnakes [supervisor Larsen]
  • Kega (2021) – forage productivity and soil carbon sequestration [supervisor Fraser]

M - R

  • Maciak (2011) – funding water system improvements [supervisor Tsigaris]
  • Maida (2018) - western rattlesnake spring movements [supervisors Larsen & Bishop]
  • Manwaring (2023) - BC CANFIRE: examining effects of climate change and forest changes on fuel management treatments [supervisor Flannigan]
  • Marcisz (2021) - ranges and forays of bighorn sheep [supervisors Larsen & Hill]
  • Margetts (2022) - smallmouth bass in cultus lake [supervisor Heise]
  • Marini (2016) - city life and chickadees [supervisor Reudink]
  • Martin (2014) - regional frequency analysis [supervisor Carlyle-Moses]
  • Maslowski (2024) - impacts of wildfires on high-elevation forests in Glacier National Park [supervisor Harvey]
  • Massey (2021) - adams river salmon run in tsutswecw provincial park [supervisor Mason]
  • McAdie (2018) - population health in the vancouver island marmot [supervisors Larsen & Stephen]
  • McArthur (2016) - cavity nesting songbirds [supervisor Reudink]
  • McCulloch (2013) – precipitation and clipping effects on grasslands [supervisor Fraser]
  • McKee (2010) – lodgepole pine stemflow [supervisor Carlyle-Moses]
  • McKelvey (2024) - natural and artificial hibernacula use by three sympatric snake species [supervisor Larsen]
  • Mendt (2021) - the role of energy reserves on mortality [supervisor Gosselin]
  • Milne (2018) - interactions between indolicidin and its analogs with lopopolysaccharide [supervisor Huttunen-Hennelly]
  • Moote (2013) – supplementing cattle rations [supervisors Van Hamme & Church]
  • Mufford (2020) - use of unmanned aerial vehicles to study cattle heat stress [supervisor Church]
  • Neumann (2019) - sustainable management of backcountry trail networks [supervisor Mason]
  • O'Connell (2020) - biochemical factors governing the enzymatic desulfonation [supervisor Van Hamme]
  • Pageau (2020) – evolution of moulting strategies and altitudinal migration of passerines [supervisor Reudink]
  • Paulson (2020) – effects on growth of native and non-native species in temperate grasslands [supervisor Fraser]
  • Petersen (2010) – buffer strips and bryophyte diversity [supervisor Baldwin]
  • Phillips (2017) - copper molybdenum mine tailings [supervisors Gardner & Pypker]
  • Pillar (2014) – moult-migration and productivity in orioles [supervisor Reudink]
  • Pouw (2019) - structure and representation of ecological data [supervisor Kwiatkowska]
  • Prytula (2022) - tracking changes in migration for vaux's swifts and chimney swifts using community science [supervisor Reudink]
  • Rahman (2016) - lives of poor migrants to dhaka city [supervisors Dickinson & Church]
  • Raymond (2013) – carbon footprint of cattle grazing [supervisor Church]
  • Richardson (2015) - comparison of random forests [supervisor Fraser]
  • Ross, M (2016) - distribution of plant functional groups [supervisor Baldwin]
  • Ross, P (2019) - examining local food procurement [supervisor Mason]

S - Z

  • Sajid (2023) - transformative drivers of environmental sustainability in contemporary organization [supervisor  Tsigaris]
  • Sapozhnikova (2012) – carbon sequestration in grasslands [supervisor Fraser]
  • Schmidt (2014) – herbaceous plant communities in grasslands [supervisor Fraser]
  • Schooling (2014) - stemflow production from isolated deciduous trees [supervisor Carlyle-Moses]
  • Sepehri (2023) - controlling surface flux in landfill-well coupled flow in perforated horizontal wells [supervisor Nec] 
  • Simmonds (2012) - environmental practices used in commercial sea kayaking [supervisor Hood]
  • Smith (2012) - drivers of wetland zooplankton community structure [supervisor Heise]
  • Smith (2023) - community and social justice approaches to food security in Kamloops, BC [supervisor Mason]
  • Spruyt (2024) - road mortality mitigation in snakes [supervisor Larsen]
  • Swan (2019) - assessing private land fuel management treatments [supervisor Gardner]
  • Symes (2013) – winter ecology of badgers [supervisor Larsen]
  • Taiwo (2020) - application of capillary electrophoresis [supervisor Donkor]
  • Tattersfield (2013) – feeding ecology and movement of perch [supervisor Heise]
  • Taylor (2009) – willingness to pay for recycling [supervisor Tsigaris]
  • Terpsma (2018) - variability in soil available water [supervisor Pypker]
  • Tran (2018) - analytical characterization of choline chloride [supervisor Donkor]
  • Turner (2024) - prealternate moult in nonbreeding period carry-over effects in neotropical migratory songbirds [supervisor Reudink]
  • Vandermale (2023) - sustainable land-based food systems and Indigenous-led conservation in the Dehcho region, NWT [supervisor Mason]
  • Volpatti (2013) – grazing response index of forage species [supervisor Gardner]
  • Wester (2024) - developing climate resilient beef cattle with superior meat quality [supervisor Church]
  • Whitehouse, R (2021) - ecologically based weed management [supervisor Fraser]
  • Whitehouse, S (2019) - biosolids in bc's southern interior [supervisor Fraser]
  • Williams (2022) - utilizing indigenous prescribed burning methods [supervisor Fraser]
  • Winton (2018) - road mortality on the western rattlesnake [supervisors Larsen & Bishop]
  • Xiao (2024) - biosolids to restore native plant communities [supervisor Fraser]